Better Together: Exactly who we’re looking for A bi-weekly column exploring the intersection of entrepreneurship and community by Sam Davidson Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: A life coach, an animator, a navy vet, a... Continue Reading
Better Together: What do you do with a room full of entrepreneurs? A bi-weekly column exploring the intersection of entrepreneurship and community by Sam Davidson Three weeks in to this big, bold, beautiful new year and we’ve filled several rooms with entrepreneurs... Continue Reading
Better Together: Community at the core A bi-weekly column exploring the intersection of entrepreneurship and community by Sam Davidson No matter what your new year holds, I bet none of your resolutions are the following: Humans... Continue Reading
Better Together: Checking in on mental health A bi-weekly column exploring the intersection of entrepreneurship and community by Sam Davidson When I wrote about mental health and entrepreneurship a few months ago (linked here), the responses garnered... Continue Reading
Better Together: All capital is social A bi-weekly column exploring the intersection of entrepreneurship and community by Sam Davidson Social capital is the term people use to describe the favors we do for one another, and... Continue Reading
Better Together: I used to hate this word A bi-weekly column exploring the intersection of entrepreneurship and community by Sam Davidson When the idea for what is now Nashville Entrepreneur Center first surfaced, the entrepreneurial ecosystem was small... Continue Reading
Better Together: The things we share A bi-weekly column exploring the intersection of entrepreneurship and community by Sam Davidson One thing I heard early on at the EC was, “Watch out. They’re our competition.” The comment... Continue Reading
Better Together: Mental Health – Let’s talk about it. A BI-WEEKLY COLUMN EXPLORING THE INTERSECTION OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND COMMUNITY BY SAM DAVIDSON After two-and-a-half months at the EC, I’m starting to hear the same song. A lot of conversations... Continue Reading
Better Together: Entrepreneurs mind the gap A bi-weekly column exploring the intersection of entrepreneurship and community by Sam Davidson I can’t recall who first shared this bit of advice with me (so don’t fault me for... Continue Reading