Andre Fleming: A Veteran Who Continues to Serve

Andre Fleming, founder of Veterans Ambulance Service, brings a whole new dimension to the meaning of a service business. Having served in the US military, he now exhibits that same dedicated and selfless leadership in the running of his business. The Veterans Ambulance Service (VAS) was founded in Nashville in 2018. VAS provides private services to nursing homes, dialysis clinics, and other medical facilities in the Nashville area, including Vanderbilt Medical Center.

Veterans Ambulance Service has a strong focus on patient advocacy. This cause has been a catalyst in Fleming’s involvement with the building up of Team Veterans Health Care Organization, an adjacent foundation to provide more grant funding to the supportive services for patients who wouldn’t otherwise have access.

After some exposure to the Nashville Entrepreneur Center through a previous company, Fleming decided to base Veterans Ambulance Service out of the Entrepreneur Center in 2020. He says, “Being in an entrepreneurial environment creates a grind culture, which makes a big difference in our company”. As a business in the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) sector, the grind culture goes with the territory, and all too often “the typical EMS corporate environment breeds complainers,” he says.

Their mission at Veterans Ambulance Service is succinct. ‘To take care of the people we come in contact with on a daily basis.’ For that reason, VAS works entirely based on referrals and relationships. The need for their service is growing. As a team with 8 current Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs), they continue to look for experienced candidates that embody their core values and culture.

There is an old army slogan Fleming likes to reference. “We do more by 9 AM than most people do all day.” Except Fleming knowingly or unknowingly misquoted it as 6 AM. Something tells me he wasn’t exaggerating!

A special thank you to all the veterans and the veteran-owned, operated, and supporting businesses that continue to serve our community. Happy Veterans Day!

About the author

Nicole Kurrasch

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