Cody Hutchins always knew that normal wouldn’t cut it. He had to accomplish something more. While traveling abroad, Cody realized the power that a simple bracelet had to spark conversation & ignite connection. He refused to let these experiences sit idle. Bohnd Bracelets was born. Garnering attention through competitions while still in undergrad at WKU, Bohnd Bracelets quickly grew. Today, Cody’s dreams of accomplishing something more have come to life as Bohnd Bracelets continues to expand & impact individuals across the globe.
What is your personal motto?
“Go big or go home.”
What characteristic do you admire most in successful entrepreneurs?
When they’re super humble and constantly trying to give back to others.
What tool, object or ritual could you not live without in your workday?
My five minute morning journal. I have to remind myself every day of my goals, my purpose to love like Christ, and that there are no shortcuts so I must do the hard work.
What advice would you give someone seeking to create, launch or grow a business?
It’s probably going to be way harder than you ever expected, so really define your “why” and try to remember that progress happens day by day. Don’t look to the right or left, you’re on your own path.
What does the world need more of?
Social impact companies that are trying to solve the world’s worst problems.
Why the EC?
If Silicon Valley, NYC, and Austin, TX had a baby with southern hospitality, it would be named the Nashville EC.